I’m interested in the intersection of AI and psychology. My goal is to understand the social psychology of human interaction by exploring it computationally and replicating it in “social-machines” that demonstrate social reasoning skills.

I am currently pursuing part-time PhD at the Oxford Internet Institute working with Dr Scott A. Hale. My current research aim is to develop computational theories of the cognitive and psychological processes underpinning human conversations to understand how subjective human perceptions emerge in linguistic interactions and the principles of how we perceive and judge others based on their language. I take an interdisciplinary approach by combining methods in Natural Language Processing (NLP), Machine Learning and social psychology. During my masters at University of Maryland, College Park I worked with jordan boyd-graber. More details in my resume.

Outside of research

I’m working on Large Language Models fine-tuning and evaluation in conversational applications. In the last decade, I worked on developing and applying deep learning and Natural Language Processing (NLP) in various problems including language modeling, summarization, topic modeling and learning representations.


Email: [mkhooja at gmail dot com]
LinkedIn: [https://www.linkedin.com/in/khouja/]
Google: [Google Scholar Page]

If you have research ideas that you'd like to discuss, need advise or would like to chat, I'm happy to talk!